Staff Directory

Picture of Ms. Finerty the school principal wearing a white shirt. Long brown hair and smiling.

Name: Ms. Finerty

Title: Principal


Name: Ms. Broege

Title: Assistant Principal


Name: Ms. Vargas

Title: Secretary/Payroll Specialist

Name: Ms. Mozon 

Title: Parent Coordinator

Name: Ms. Carola

Title: TESOL 

Name: Ms. Johnson

Title: TESOL 

Name: Ms. Losquatro

Title: Speech Therapist

Name: Ms. Orecchio

Title: Speech Therapist

Name: Ms. Toribio

Title: Speech Therapist

Name: Ms. Rodriguez

Title: Guidance Counselor

Name: Ms. Cuevas

Title: Occupational Therapist

Name: Mr. Dante

Title: Physical Therapist

Name: Ms. Chi

Title: Science

Name: Ms. Thorpe

Title: Art

Name: Mr. Burgos

Title: Health & Physical Education 

Name: Ms. Mana

Grade: 3K 

Name: Ms. Godlewicz

Grade: Pre-K 

Name: Ms. Jeliazkova

Grade: Kindergarten

Name: Ms. Nogales

Grade: Kindergarten

Name: Ms. Monaghan

Grade: Kindergarten

Name: Ms. Sabo

Grade: Kindergarten/First

Name: Ms. Scotton

Grade: Special Education Liaison/Cluster

Name: Ms. Thames

Grade: First

Name: Ms. Good

Grade: First

Name: Ms. Lerch

Grade: First

Name: Ms. Gomez

Grade: Second

Name: Ms. Goodale

Grade: Second

Name: Mr. Putterman

Grade: Second

Name: Ms. Bellani

Grade: Second/Third

Name: Ms. Vides

Grade: Third

Name: Ms. Mohan

Grade: Third

Name:  Ms. Ramdhanie

Grade: Third

Name: Mr. Aliberti

Grade: Fourth 

Subject: ELA

Name: Mr. Bowman

Grade: Fourth 

Subject: Math

Name: Ms. Kress

Grade: Fourth 

Name: Ms. Miller

Grade: Fifth 

Subject: ELA

Name: Ms. McLeod

Grade: Fifth 

Subject: Math

Name: Ms. Greiss

Grade: Fifth

Name: Ms. Neering

Grade: Fourth/Fifth